Wednesday, June 29, 2011


People don't change | People do change

One year ago, I thoroughly believed in the first statement. People, as individuals, were of a certain mold - unchangeable, stretching around a just few yards but never drastically changing from the basics.

I believed people had roots and were inclined to return to them one way or another, just like a boomerang to its thrower. Their core characteristics were what kept them alive, their innate traits their lifeline.

All that has changed now. Maybe because I've seen more, heard more, felt more; maybe because I'm less naive and more cynical; maybe because I have changed. This change: it is not good and it is not bad (no attempt at justification here).

I now believe that people do change. They change because circumstances force them to, because they become subject to attuning their behavior towards that of others, because they have past mistakes and mindsets they do not wish to recycle or reinvent. 

Many times they also change because a radical event fraught with hype has engulfed them, or because prolonged suffering has hardened them towards a purpose, or because there is a cause important and personal enough that they are willing to shed their old shells of narrowed mentality.

Greek philosopher Heraclitus once said, "change is the only constant". Steadfast, perpetual and continuous, change is what brings change. Complacency is consistency, consistency is stagnation; stagnation is death of the physique and of the soul.

Today at noon, the police raided the BERSIH office without a warrant. Initially trying to break down the front door, about fifteen of them went in with more waiting outside. As I type this, some of their office items are being confiscated and all staff is being arrested.

Bersih's yellow tees have also been declared illegal. It's a piece of basic clothing. How can there be a national law against what we put on our backs? 

The rakyat is angry and disgusted, even more so in the past few days. 

The rakyat will not be hampered or frightened by threats and detentions.

The rakyat shall continue to nurture its spirit and march on July 9th.

The rakyat can and shall reclaim their rights, their voice and their deserved livelihoods.


  1. huraah! so u finally made a switch eh?
    what made u finally decide blogspot?

  2. Hello Wee!

    Decided to because I found that Blogger template/design settings are far better :) And thought it'd be a nice switch from Xanga.
